EuroProof SBS (Elastomeric) Membranes
Product Description
EuroProof SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) modified bitumen, waterproofing membranes. It is
saturated with a rubberized asphaltic compound. EuroBit non-woven polyester reinforcement
provides superior tear strength, puncture resistance, low temperature flexibility, excellent tensile
strength and dimensional stability.
Fields of Application

SBS Modified Bituminous Membrane
- New roofing, re-roofing or re-cover roof systems and flashing details
- Heat welding, hot asphalt, and cold process installation methods
- Tunnels
- Basements
- Wet areas
- Cold areas
- Concreate foundations

SBS Modified Bituminous Membrane
Features & benefits
- Resistance to positive water & vapor pressure
- Good dimensional stability under tension
- Excellent flexibility. Can accommodate high structural movements
- High puncture and fatigue resistance
- Excellent tensile and tear strengths
- High resistance against water borne chemicals
- Exhibits good low temperature flexibility
- Cost effective
- Guarantee is available for up to 25 years
- Durable—Specially formulated modified asphalt gives lasting performance.
- Resilient polyester mat core allows it to resist splits and tears due to its pliability and elongation characteristics.
SBS Modified Elastomeric Membranes

EuroProof E3140
EuroProof HDPE film surfaced

EuroProof E4160

Granule Surfaced (G SBS) SBS modified bitumen waterproofing membrane

EuroProof G-E3140
EuroProof Granule surfaced membrane

EuroProof G-E4160
EuroProof Granule surfaced membrane
Aluminum forced (AL SBS) SBS modified bitumen waterproofing membrane

EuroProof AL-E3140
EuroProof Aluminum-Foil surfaced membrane

EuroProof AL-E4160
EuroProof Aluminum-Foil surfaced membrane

EuroProof AL-E5180
EuroProof Aluminum-Foil surfaced membrane

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