EuroProof AL-E4160/4180
SBS Modified Bituminous
waterproofing membrane (Elastomeric)
Torch-on Membrane
It is designed for new roofing and reroofing applications as well as flashings. It is also an ideal product for repairs of built-up roofing membranes.
UP-TO 20years
Fields of Application
It is designed for low temperature and Freeze and thaw cycle areas, re-covering applications as well as the construction of flashings. EuroProof SBS Membrane is also an ideal product for repairs of built-up roofing membranes or other modified bitumen systems.

- New roofing and re-roofing
- Tunnels
- Concreate foundations
- Cold areas
- Basements
- Wet areas (Kitchen & bathrooms)
- Swimming Pools

Roll Size
1 x 10 meter
Polyester weight
Product Thickness
Approx Roll Weight
40x Kg
20kg pail & 220kg drum
Features and benefits
- Resistance to positive water & vapor pressure
- Good dimensional stability under tension
- Excellent flexibility. Can accommodate high structural movements.
- High puncture and fatigue resistance
- High resistance against water borne chemicals.
- Exhibits good low temperature flexibility.
- Cost effective.
- Guarantee is available for up to 25
years. - Durable—Specially formulated modified
asphalt gives lasting performance. - Resilient polyester mat core allows it to resist splits and tears due to its pliability and elongation characteristics.
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